As a Google Certified Partner, we make it our business to keep your business at the top.

Pay Per Click Advertising

Google Ads are seen by thousands of people but cost nothing until a potential customer clicks on the ad and is delivered to your site.

Google Ads is a keyword based, online advertising platform developed by Google where companies pay to have their website shown at the top and sometimes at the bottom of a search results page. The Goggle Ads marketplace works as an auction where searchers bid money for clicks. Google counts the clicks from your ads and charges you per click. These exceptionally visible ads are triggered when a search queries matches a specific keywords added to your campaigns. Paid advertising guarantees results with premium first page placement. It’s like supersizing, for optimizing.


We know each company may have a different level of desired service. With this in mind, we’ve created three service levels to help accommodate your needs.

Google Ads Management Basic Plan Pricing


Setup $2,400

Management $300/mth.

  • Starting With 1 Campaign

  • Up To 4 Ad Groups

  • Call Tracking

  • Form Tracking

  • Google Analytics Setup & Integration

Google Ads Management Pro Plan Pricing


Setup $3,400

Management $400/mth.

  • Starting With 1 Campaign

  • Up To 8 Ad Groups

  • Call Tracking

  • Form Tracking

  • Google Analytics Setup & Integration

Google Ads Management Premium Plan Pricing


Setup $4,800

Management $500/mth.

  • Starting With Up To 2 Campaigns

  • Up To 12 Ad Groups

  • Call Tracking

  • Form Tracking

  • Google Analytics Setup & Integration

Click Charges Not Included
Click Charges Not Included
Click Charges Not Included

Google Ads Campaign Options

To obtain your online advertising goals, we will structure your account using some of the campaign strategies and options listed below.

Standard Search Campaign

Google Search Campaign

We will create text ads that are displayed on search results allowing you to reach users while they’re searching on Google for the products and services you offer. It’s great for driving sales, leads, or traffic to your website, as you can show your ads to people actively searching for your products and services.

Display Advertising

Display Advertising Campaign

We manage both, direct response and brand awareness display advertising campaigns. Our designers will create compelling banner ads that increase brand exposure, engagement and conversions.

Google Ads Remarketing Campaign

Remarketing Campaign

Turn your valuable ‘prospects’ into ‘loyal customers’. Our team of professionals will help you re-engage users by showing your ads to to them as they browse other websites on the Internet.

Google Shopping Campaign Setup

Google Shopping Campaign

Google Shopping is a comparison shopping engine especially geared toward retail product sales and promotions. It allows retailers to advertise their products to users in a visually appealing way. Your keywords are sourced automatically by pulling the keywords from the product titles and descriptions.

Google Ads Ad Group Structure

Superb Ad Group Structure

We will ensure all relevant keyword themes are separated and the right number of overall ad groups are created. We will also organize each ad group in the most relevant way.

Keyword Tracking

Keyword Research & Implementation

Our staff will research and find the keyword or phrases users enter into the Google search bar to find your products or services. The keywords that are the most relevant and have the most searches will be selected. Keywords that show “intent” to take your desired action will also be added.

Google Ad Extensions

Super Ad Extension Creation

We will create and select extensions for your ads to help make them more substantial and thus, stand out. The types of extensions available include call extensions (phone), sitelink extensions (links to other pages), callout extensions (benefits), review extensions, snippet extensions (listing of brands) and image extensions.

Google Ads Geographic Targeting

Geographic Targeting & Implementation

With your input, we will select the geographic locations where your ads will appear. For instance, around your business, a radius around a location, a city, a region, or tiered demographics.

Google Ads Audiences & Demographics

Audiences & Demographics Targeting

We can fine tune, narrowing down who sees your ads. Depending on your campaign type, we can target remarketing lists, custom combination lists, life events, and interest categories.

Negative Keywords

Negative Keyword Research & Creation

Keywords that are not relevant to your business need to be added to your campaign as negative keywords. On a regular basis, search queries that previously triggered your ads will be evaluated for relevancy and intent. Any keyword or phrase that is not specific or relevant to your products and services will be tagged as a negative keyword so it no longer triggers your ads. 

Google Ads Bidding Management

Bidding Management (Manual and Automated)

We can assign the amount you’re willing to pay for a conversion, or cost per action (CPA). A conversion is a particular action you want to happen on your website, like a sale, a call or form submission, it could also be an email sign-up or some other action.

Campaign Optimization

Campaign Optimization

All aspects of the campaign will monitored, evaluated and optimized on a regular basis. The goal is to continue optimizing your campaign to get more clicks and conversions at a lower price, resulting in a higher ROI.

Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking

Any action where someone interacts with your ad will be tracked. For example, when a user clicks a text ad or views a video ad and then takes an action that you’ve defined as valuable to your business. We can track an online purchase or a call to your business from a mobile phone or when a user fills out a contact form on your website.

Google Ads Reporting

Powerful Reporting

We can view and report on almost every parameter you can think of in your campaign – from yearly spending and ad views, to CPC and impression demographics. All of which contributes to tracking the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

Website Landing Page Creation

Landing Page Creation

As an add-on to your Google Ads plan, we can create standalone, engaging landing pages communicating your brand and increasing conversions.

The landing page is the page a searcher is directed to once they click on your ad. Landing pages are created with a singular focus and match the keywords and ad copy. They are built to persuade the visitor to take a specific course of action and provide information on how to contact you, whether by phone, a form or directions to your store. Your landing page should be set up to convert and is as important as the set up of your campaign.

Certified Google Partner

Google Partners go through extensive training and are certified in Google Ads products. Partners are required to pass annual exams to maintain expert-level knowledge. Partners are also provided with a personal Google support team to answer questions and have access to new products and beta features before anyone else does.

Some Words From Our Clients

Stand Out With Pay Per Click Advertising

We’re Here To Get Your Business To the Top!

Our Pay Per Click Advertising Services Can Get You More Clicks, More Contracts And More Clients.